Weed Control Service in White Plains, Scarsdale, NY & Greenwich, CT | Bellantoni Landscape

Weed Control Service in White Plains, Scarsdale, NY, Greenwich, CT & Nearby Areas

Get a Quote Call (914) 948-6468

Weed Control Service in White Plains, Scarsdale, NY, Greenwich, CT & Surrounding Cities

Our weed control service includes pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments.

At Bellantoni Landscape, our weed control service is designed to keep your lawn weed-free throughout the year. This service includes multiple visits to your property to administer our treatments. We utilize both pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments to tackle weeds both before and after they have sprouted. These treatments are effective against a variety of weeds including dandelions, henbit, crabgrass, and more. What's more, if you take advantage of our full-service maintenance program, we can also treat weeds in the cracks of your sidewalks and driveway!

We offer our weed control service to residential property owners in White Plains, Scarsdale, Bronxville, NY, Greenwich, CT, and other nearby cities. Give us a call at (914) 948-6468 to schedule this service today!

Our Weed Control Schedule

Weed-free lawn on a property in White Plains, NY.

Weeds are persistent plants that can drag down the curb appeal of your property and steal nutrients from your grass. To prevent weeds from taking over your lawn, we utilize a comprehensive weed control schedule that includes multiple visits to your property throughout the year to apply our treatments. When you sign up for this service, we will visit your property 5 times throughout the year to administer our treatments. In addition to weed control, this program also includes fertilization, insect control, and lime treatments. The breakdown of our schedule is as follows:

  • Step 1 - During our first visit, we will apply a pre-emergent weed control treatment to your lawn to prevent weeds from sprouting. We'll also apply a fertilizer treatment to your lawn to supply it with the nutrients it needs to thrive.
  • Step 2 - For our second visit, we will apply another pre-emergent weed control treatment to your lawn to prevent weeds from sprouting. We'll also apply another fertilizer treatment to supply your grass with nutrients, and a post-emergent weed control treatment to eliminate any existing weeds.
  • Step 3 - As part of our third visit, we will apply a fertilizer treatment to your lawn to supply it with nutrients, and a post-emergent weed control treatment to eliminate any existing weeds. We'll also apply an insect control treatment if needed to target damage-causing pests.
  • Step 4 - This visit includes a fertilizer treatment to supply your grass with nutrients and a post-emergent weed control treatment to eliminate any existing weeds. We'll also apply an insect control treatment if needed.
  • Step 5 - During our final visit, we will apply a fertilizer treatment to your lawn to supply it with nutrients, a post-emergent weed control treatment to eliminate any existing weeds, and a lime treatment to balance the pH level of your soil.
Our team has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau!

What weeds do our weed control treatments target?

Here in the White Plains, NY, area, there are a variety of weeds that commonly pop up on lawns. Fortunately, our weed control treatments are highly effective at eliminating a variety of weeds, including:

  • Crabgrass
  • Dandelions
  • Clover
  • Ground Ivy
  • Nutsedge
  • And more!

We treat weeds in the cracks of sidewalks and driveways as part of our full-service maintenance program.

While our weed control service is designed to keep your lawn free of weeds, we can also treat weeds in the cracks of your sidewalks and driveway if you're part of our full-service maintenance program. In addition to treating weeds in cracks, this program also includes mowing, spring and fall cleanups, and more!

Give us a call today to schedule our weed control service.

At Bellantoni Landscape, we can help you achieve a weed-free lawn when you sign up for our weed control service. This service includes multiple visits to your property throughout the year to apply our treatments. We offer this service to homeowners in White Plains, Scarsdale, Bronxville, NY, Greenwich, CT, and other nearby cities. Give us a call at (914) 948-6468 to schedule this service today!