Yard Drain Installation in White Plains, Scarsdale, NY & Greenwich, CT | Bellantoni Landscape

Yard Drain Installation in White Plains, Scarsdale, NY, Greenwich, CT & Nearby Areas

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Yard Drain Installation Service in White Plains, Scarsdale, NY, Greenwich, CT & Nearby Areas

French drains, curtain drains, dry creek beds, rain gardens, and other drains are available.

If you need help mitigating water retention issues on your property, then our yard drain installation service is just what you need. When you sign up for this service, we will start by performing an in-depth landscape assessment so that we can determine the best type of drainage solution for your particular situation. We offer several different types of drains, including French drains, curtain drains, sump pumps, rain gardens, dry creek beds, and more! Additionally, once we finish the installation, the surrounding grass will be torn up, so we can add seed or sod to the area to repair the damage.

Our experts at Bellantoni Landscape proudly serve residential property owners in White Plains, Scarsdale, Bronxville, and other nearby areas in New York and Connecticut, including Greenwich. Give us a call today at (914) 948-6468 to schedule our yard drain installation service!

An in-depth landscape assessment is the first step of the yard drain installation process.

When you sign up for our yard drain installation service, we will come out to your property to perform an in-depth landscape assessment. During this visit, we will take a look around your property to get a better understanding of where the water is pooling and how it needs to be redirected. We'll also implement advanced diagnostic procedures and video camera drain technology for existing drains to determine what needs to be done. Once we have gathered all of the necessary information, we will sit down with you to discuss which type of drainage solution would work best for your specific situation. After you approve our plan, we will move forward with the project!

Our drain installations are great for different issues, including standing water in the yard and basement flooding!

What types of drains can be installed?

Dry creek bed and purple flowers in White Plains, NY.

We understand that not every property has the same drainage issues. That's why we offer multiple types of drains that are designed to handle different situations. Some of the most common types of drains that we install include:

  • French Drains: This type of drain consists of a perforated pipe in a trench filled with gravel or rock that redirects water away from your home's foundation.
  • Curtain Drains: These drains are very similar to French drains, except they're installed closer to the surface.
  • Sump Pumps: This option pumps water out of basements or crawl spaces and discharges it outside into a drain.
  • Rain Gardens: Rain gardens are shallow depressions with plants that collect rainwater runoff from surfaces.
  • Dry Creek Beds: Dry creek beds are shallow channels lined with rocks that allow stormwater runoff to flow into them instead of flooding yards.
  • Dry Wells: Dry wells are underground structures designed to store large amounts of stormwater runoff until it can seep back into the ground naturally over time.

Repair any damaged grass from the drain installation process with seed or sod.

While a yard drain is a great way to prevent water from collecting in certain areas, some parts of your lawn may be damaged during the installation process. Fortunately, if this happens, you can take advantage of our new lawn seeding or sod installation service to repair those areas! Both are effective methods of replacing torn-up grass, but the main difference is how long it'll take. If you choose to go with seeds, you'll need to wait a little bit longer for your grass to grow, but you'll end up with a beautiful lawn once it does. On the other hand, if you opt for sod, your lawn will instantly look fantastic, but you'll still need to let it establish its roots before using it like normal again.

Call Us Today to Schedule Our Yard Drain Installation Service

Don't let standing water damage your property - our yard drain installation service is the solution you need! At Bellantoni Landscape, we proudly serve homeowners in White Plains, Scarsdale, Bronxville, NY, Greenwich, CT, and throughout the surrounding areas. Call us today at (914) 948-6468 to schedule this service!