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Landscaping is often the first thing people will notice about your home, and it’s usually the first thing you’ll see driving up to your house after a long day at work. If you want to make a good impression on guests and give yourself a visual treat to look forward to each day, contact Bellantoni Landscape and our landscape contractors in White Plains, NY will create a beautiful landscape architecture for your property.

Our landscapers bring decades of experience in White Plains, NY, and can help you develop the perfect landscape architecture. Our landscape architects listen to your landscaping ideas so you’ll have an active role in the process. Our landscape contractors believe participating in the landscape design process helps our clients visualize exactly what they want in their landscaping ideas and better appreciate the final product.

Landscape Architecture at Bellantoni Landscape

The Basics of Landscape Architecture

A landscape architect is a professional who is charged with redesigning an entire outdoor area, which encompasses a wide array of services. Among other things, landscape architecture includes assessing, analyzing, and doing an inventory of the site, along with making sure that construction is in keeping with all pertinent codes and ordinances. It also covers grading and regrading, planting design, and stormwater management. Today, landscape architects also work to create environments that are sustainable.

Our Landscape Design Services

  • Lawn and garden design: We can help you design a beautiful lawn and garden to fit your vision. Then, we’ll create that landscape for you, using well-chosen features to bring a sense of balance and proportion to your outdoor area.
  • Masonry planning and design: Our hardscaping team can provide you with a wide selection of stone features, including patios, firepits, stairs, and retaining walls. We offer both uncut and custom-cut stone.
  • Asphalt paving: If you’re in need of a front walkway, a garden path, or any other type of walkway for your home, our landscape architects can design and build an asphalt surface that will be both attractive and durable.
  • Drainage and irrigation: Proper drainage is a must-have for every outdoor environment, as is effective irrigation to keep plants healthy. Our landscaping professionals can solve your drainage and irrigation issues using one of our high-quality systems.
  • Landscape lighting: The right lighting can complement your outdoor area marvelously, and it can also provide your yard with greater safety and security. Our team can help you select the perfect lighting options for your property, and then ensure they are installed properly.
  • Water features: Fountains, ponds, and other water features can add a truly special touch to your outdoor environment. We’ll be happy to build a water feature for your yard to your specifications.
  • Container gardening: A container garden can be a great alternative to a traditional garden or serve as a unique feature for your patio. We can get your container garden established, and provide you with the fertilizer and pest management services you need to keep your new garden growing.
  • Holiday décor: If you would like to add seasonal décor to your yard, our team can provide you with the special lighting and decorations you need to make your home festive.
  • Fencing: A fence can provide you with improved privacy, protect your garden from pests, or simply add a striking visual element to your property. We can provide you with quality fencing to complete your home landscaping project.
Unique Landscape Features at Bellantoni Landscape

Unique Landscape Features

A well-manicured lawn and carefully trimmed trees can certainly make your property look great, but you can really make a statement by injecting a bit of personality and character into your landscape design. Here are a few unique landscape features our landscape architects offer that can help your home or business stand out:

  • Landscape Lighting – A few well-placed lights can have a dramatic effect on your overall landscape architecture. Try adding accent lighting to create a compelling landscape lighting design.
  • Water Features – Waterfalls, fish ponds, and water fountains can add a relaxing air to your landscape design. Try to incorporate natural stone and hardscaping elements with your water features for a more natural look.
  • Outdoor Speakers – Imagine hosting a BBQ or pool party and listening to your favorite tunes anywhere in your yard. You can find outdoor speakers that look like rocks to seamlessly blend music into the landscape.
Landscape designs by Bellantoni Landscape

Elements of Good Landscape Design

If you want your landscape to make a great first impression (and a great second impression, and third impression, and fourth, etc.) you need to make sure that your yard adheres to some of the general characteristics of “good” landscape design. But keep in mind that these are general guidelines and not strict rules. At the end of the day, when you put pen to paper, the most important thing is that you love the way the landscape architecture looks.

  • Place trees and shrubs with colored foliage in a line running east to west so that they can benefit from the beautiful, natural backlighting of a rising or setting sun
  • Utilize different plants and shrubs to complement and contrast differences in texture
  • Try to stick with only a few repeating shapes or patterns to give your landscape a more cohesive look and flow
  • Speaking of flow, try to avoid using too many rigid, geometric shapes to give your landscape a more natural and flowy appearance
Landscape Contractors in Westchester County, NY

Why Choose Our Landscape Architects?

Since 1963, Bellantoni Landscape has been one of the premier landscaping companies in White Plains, NY. Our landscape contractors bring decades of experience, but we stay ahead of the competition by adopting new landscape techniques and thinking outside of the box.

Call our landscapers at 914-948-6468 to schedule a consultation with one of our courteous and knowledgeable landscape architects. Also, visit our blog to learn more about all there is to know about landscape design!

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Consultation!