Even if you aren’t planning to sell your home anytime soon, investing in the appearance of your property can pay dividends later on. It can also be nice to come home to a fresh and welcoming exterior each day. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to increase your home’s curb appeal with the help of your White Plains landscape designer and lawn care provider.
Add Color to Your Front Yard
One of the easiest ways to increase curb appeal is to incorporate bright colors around the exterior of your home.
A bright red door or a colorful fence will look great, but you need pockets of color throughout the front yard to
give your landscape dimension. A landscape architect can help you select the perfect flowers, shrubs, and trees to plant around your front yard to add color and turn heads.
Incorporate Landscape Lighting
Your home is just as beautiful at night as it is during the day—it’s just that no one can see it. Landscape lighting can enhance the overall beauty of your home by highlighting natural and architectural focal points and creating dramatic shadows throughout the landscape. Talk with a landscape design company to learn how you can showcase your home after the sun sets with a thoughtful lighting design. Bellatoni Landscape of White Plains is offering free landscape lighting demos installed at your home so you can see the effects for yourself.
Keep Your Landscape Well-Maintained
It may seem like a no-brainer, but one of the easiest ways to increase your home’s curb appeal is by maintaining your landscape. There’s a lot of landscape maintenance you can do on your own, but some of its best left to professionals. For example, you should leave trimming and pruning to landscapers who know the best way to trim trees, plants, and shrubs.