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Making the World
a Beautiful Place to Live,
One Property at a Time

Making the World
a Beautiful Place to Live,
One Property at a Time

Making the World
a Beautiful Place to Live,
One Property at a Time

Our Services

Landscaping Services in Westchester County
Hardscaping Services in Westchester County
Drainge Solutions in Westchester County
Drainage Solutions
Additional Services for Yard in Westchester County, NY
Additional Services

Professional Landscaping & Hardscaping Contractor in Westchester County

Are you in White Plains, NY, or one of its surrounding areas and looking for an experienced and professional landscaping company to perform quality landscaping services for your home or business? With over 50 years of experience in the landscaping industry, the team at Bellantoni Landscape has the skills and knowledge to get the job done right, with the care and attention to detail you deserve. Our highly trained landscape staff, working with your initial vision, will help create a unique landscape design for your property. Whether you need assistance with your entire property or just a front or backyard, our landscape professionals can address your needs. Our expertise in hardscaping for patios, decks and retaining walls as well as our extensive knowledge of plantings and softscapes will bring your project to life. Contact a member of our landscape team today at 914-948-6468 to find out more about our services and discover the full potential for your property!

Beautiful Landscape Design in Westchester County, NY

Why Work With the Team At Bellantoni?

Here are just a few ways our customers know they are receiving the Bellantoni brand of excellence:

  • Personalized service for your property.
  • As a design/build service Bellantoni Landscape handles all aspects of the landscape process for our clients through designing, planning, installation and maintenance; we fill in the gaps.
  • We have been servicing Westchester and the surrounding area for more than 54 years. We know what works within our community and how to protect your investment.

Our Services

Bellantoni Landscape provides a full range of landscape services for both residential and commercial properties. Our highly qualified Solution Specialists and dedicated Account and Project Managers can assist you will all aspects of:

Additional Services for Yard

Work With ISA Certified Arborists and Landscape Architects

Our founder, Michael Bellantoni, is an active member of the local landscaping industry, partnering with the following organizations:

● National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP)
● New York State Turf and Landscape Association (NYSTLA)
● International Facility Managers Association (IFMA)
● New York State Turfgrass Association (NYSTA)

As a result, Bellantoni Landscaping is constantly innovating and adapting to the latest products and practices, allowing us to offer you the highest quality of customer service.

What You’ll Get With Us

Your points of contact with us are drawn from a team of experienced account managers and technicians who are Landscape Industry Certified. With these and our project managers by your side, you’ll be able to communicate instantly with our landscapers and hardscaping team to easily create your vision for a new outdoor space. Our landscapers are industry certified in horticulture, landscape design and architecture, and patio design, resulting in our firm receiving the PLANET certification (now the National Association of Landscape Professionals certification) that highlights our ability to maintain the industry’s highest standard of landscape professionalism, an honor that only 1% of landscapers worldwide can boast. In addition, we’re a New York and Connecticut-licensed Pesticide Applicator.

If you are in White Plains, NY, or its surrounding areas, our landscape contractors can provide our services to you. For the highest-quality landscaping services available, call our office today and schedule your appointment!

Bellantoni Landscape

Business Office Address:

121 Lafayette Avenue
White Plains, NY 10603

Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday: 8 am – 5 pm

