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Spotted Lantern Fly Treatment*
*With program sign-up
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Spotted Lantern Fly Control

Servicing Westchester County and surrounding areas since 1963

Did You Know

  • Spotted Lanternflies feed on over 70 species of trees and
  • They defecate a sticky, sugary substance called This honeydew is like syrup, sticking to decks, patios, and furniture.
  • Honeydew is known to promote the growth of mold and attract stinging insects and wasps.



Bellantoni Spotted Lantern Fly Control

  • Prevent damage to the trees on your property and avoid further infestation of this invasive pest with a curated spotted lantern fly program

Why People Choose Us

The Bellantoni Difference


Our knowledgeable certified applicators will inspect your property to identify problematic areas


We will recommend treatment programs that are right for you and your property based on our inspection


We use custom built spray trucks with high pressure systems that ensure the best and most thorough coverage possible

  • ISA Certified Arborist #NY-5761A
  • Certified Pesticide Applicator NY/CT
  • OSHA Certified

Spotted Lantern Fly FAǪs

Our professional-grade products are designed to significantly reduce the number of spotted lantern flies and you should start to notice a difference following the first treatment!

Yes, our treatments are safe for children and pets when used as directed. We advise keeping children and pets indoors during the treatment and for a short period afterward until the product has dried. We treat your property as our own! We take extra care to move toys off the treatment area, emptying and moving dog bowls, bird baths, not to get spray onto windows or cars etc.

Due to the aggressive seasonality of the spotted lantern fly, we recommend a 4-step treatment program to ensure your property is covered during their peak season. However, due to the environmental conditions in certain locations, you may need more or less services and can work with you to find an interval that is just right!

Our knowledgeable, certified applicators will look at your property and create a custom spotted lantern fly control program, pointing out any possible areas where they might be breeding. During our treatment, we make sure to target areas where these insects love to hide.